Here, for more than 60 years, the bloody struggle of two nations in the Middle East hasn't stopped. Two nations fiercely try to exterminate each other under gallant patriotic exclamations and slogans, while puppeteers and ideologists of the destructive conflict stand and watch. With the help of their nearest colleague, Judaic religious institutes, the puppet government of Israel has transformed the Israeli society into "ideal citizens". A herd, piously trusting in the authenticity of the authorities, regularly serving in army and absolutely incapable of any display of collective protest. For more than 60 years almost the same people have operated the state, being guided by personal and corporate motives. Watering societies brains with various patriotic crap, they have provided the firmness and certainty of their power. These people have no relation either to belief in anything good nor to the people of Israel. Their interests are the interests of the international banks and the corporations supervising the manufacture and traffic in arms and mineral oil. The Israeli conflict is the excellent lever of pressure upon the countries exporters of oil, and as ideal range for tests of the new weapon.
But the Israel citizens do not see and do not wish to see. They're brainwashed by mass-media, made afraid of war and acts of terrorism, bound by incessant economic chains of Israeli economic debt. Bent under oppression of credits and the taxes, intimidated by crap from TV and newspapers of the authorities, angered by nationalist party propaganda and blinded by religious nonsense, the citizens of Israel have lost their ability to think critically.
Organization BLACK BLOCK Israel sets it's purpose to be the awakening of the sleeping consciousness of Israeli society and carrying out actions which are directed towards awakening of a spark within the public protest. First of all, it is necessary to co-ordinate an united front for the protest, which will include events and the good will organizations of Israel. Only having united can we break the chains that bonds us. BLACK BLOCK Israel contact e-mail: