An ecological group exhibition calling for creative awareness
16.7 20:00
shvil hameretz street 3 building 8
(In other words: when does trash stop being junk and turn into something we can incorporate into our daily lives, and why haven’t we done it until now?)
Garbage is our creation. We create it at every moment. a substance that was a usable material now becomes garbage, and it piles up, it’s present, and it becomes a testimony of our lives and actions, a silent symbol.
The exhibition White Trash comes to raise a question about this symbol, to change the way we look at it/ The focal point of White Trash is to take a dirty, filthy thing and turn it into something clean, whether it’s through re-using it, recycling it, or in our case, turning it into art.
. Here is where we begin the search for original alternative solutions regarding the usage of the substance in our immediate environment that is there in our peripheral vision and we are constantly ignoring. By bringing the junk into the artistic realm, the substance will become “whitened”, legitimate, possible, and it’s original role will change from being something of no use into art.
The concept for the exhibition was initiated and curated by three artists, Amanda Mehl, Shameless, and Inbal Limor. The ecological emphasis is present in the work themselves and in the DIY thought behind it. Hand made, recycled flyers and interactive installations which include human generated energy. All the artists participating will be re-using objects found in their surroundings.